Biography / Date biografice


Ovidiu Ivanov was born on May 12, 1978, in Botosani, Romania. He is a lecturer with the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, the Power Systems department. He is currently leading laboratory classes in Computational Intelligence, Power Systems, Artificial Intelligence in Power Systems, Applied Informatics and Electricity Markets. He graduated in 2002 the Power Engineering profile at the Electrical Engineering faculty, and the Optimization of Power Systems’ Structure and Operation master courses of the same faculty, in the following year. He received his PhD. scientific degree in 2010, with the “Contributions for congestion management in power systems” thesis. He is the author or co-author of 81 scientific papers, from which 51 are indexed in international databases. His competence areas are artificial intelligence techniques applications in power systems and modern methods for the study of electricity market. He is fluent in English and has good proficiency in French.

Ovidiu Ivanov s-a nascut pe data de 12 mai 1978, in Botosani, Romania. Este sef de lucrari in cadrul Departamentului de Energetica al Facultatii de Inginerie Electrica, Energetica si Informatica Aplicata (Electrotehnica). In prezent, conduce lucrari de laborator si proiect pentru disciplinele Procesarea Cunostintelor si Calcul Inteligent, Sisteme Electroenergetice, Informatica Aplicata, Sisteme cu Inteligenta Artificiala, Piete de Energie – management si reglementare. Este absolvent, promotia 2002, al Facultatii de Electrotehnica. Un an mai târziu, a absolvit cursurile de studii aprofundate „Optimizarea structurii si functionarii sistemelor electroenergetice”, la aceeasi facultate. In anul 2010, a sustinut teza de doctorat cu titlul „Contributii la managementul congestiilor in retelele electrice”. Este, pâna in prezent, autor sau coautor al 81 de lucrari stiintifice, dintre care 51 sunt indexate in baze de date internationale. Domenii de interes stiintific: folosirea inteligentei artificiale pentru optimizarea functionarii retelelor electrice; metode moderne de studiu al pietei de energie electrica. Limbi straine cunoscute: engleza, franceza.

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